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What's Going On!

Everyone is invited to any of our events.  We hope to see you soon!

Follow us on Facebook for more updates and activities!

Parents' Morning

Monday-Friday 9 AM to 1PM

Childcare for children ages 1-8

Coffee & Conversation

9:45 AM

@ Second UP


We will follow our Coffee & Conversation with Worship at 11:15 AM @ Swissvale Presbyterian Church during the month of September!


We hope to see you at both!



@ 11:15 am


@ Swissvale Presbyterian Church


Join our two churches (Swissvale Presbyterian Church and Second United Presbyterian Church) for Worship on Sundays in September! We would love to welcome you to our community!


Let's Get the
Garden Ready!

Join us at Second U.P. as we get our garden ready for the season! We will be assembling steel garden beds and staking out fabric to keep the weeds at bay. Contact Joshua Olsen, (630) 277-0802, if you can lend a hand this weekend or would like to help out during the growing season.


The B-I-B-L-E

Yes, that's the book for me!

I stand with you on the Word of God,

The B-I-B-L-E

...I was in prison and you visited me.

Matthew 25:36


There is one book the Allegheny County Jail cannot keep in stock, THE BOOK that changes lives.


Pittsburgh Presbytery’s Matthew 25 Initiative is asking each church in Allegheny County to donate copies of the The Life Recovery Bible. The cost for each Bible is $17. Please consider donating what you can.


We will dedicate the Bibles at the May Presbytery meeting and take them to the jail.


Young children develop a love of learning where the atmosphere is predictable, safe and friendly, and where the curriculum fosters curiosity and imagination.


Our preschool program for 3 & 4 year olds is a special place for children to learn, play and grow together. Using a language experience and discovery approach to learning, our preschool provides children with age- appropriate opportunities for guided play, stories, math, art, and science activities.

For more information:
or Call:  412-242-4430

We Care Food Pantry

Help Fight Food Insecurity

Find out how you can help!

Scouts BSA

Interested in Scouting?


We are the Charter Organization for  Troop 109, Troop 9109 and Cub Scout Pack 109. If  your child is interested in Scouting, please check out our Scouts pages!

Summer Camp

June thru August

9AM to 1 PM


Thank you to all of the campers who joined us this Summer for our Summer Camp!


Have a great school year!


We hope you will be back next Summer! Tell your friends to come join in the fun, too!


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